Numerous individual water resource analyses and water well siting studies and well construction projects have been conducted for vineyard and winery facilities and certain cities located throughout valley and hillside regions of Napa, Sonoma, Lake, and Mendocino Counties, and also in the Central Coast wine region within San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties. These studies have generally encompassed:

  • Evaluations and investigations of hydrogeologic conditions in these regions.
  • Technical oversight and consulting activities associated with drilling, installation, design, and testing of municipal-supply water wells for the City of St. Helena and Town of Yountville in Napa County and the City of Windsor in Sonoma County.
  • Water resource evaluations for new municipal-supply water wells.
  • Construction of potable water-supply wells for the cities and irrigation-supply water wells for numerous wineries and vineyards in the three counties.
  • Coordination and supervision of aquifer testing of wells (such as for the City of Cloverdale and existing irrigation wells for the wineries/vineyards) and detailed analysis of the testing data to determine impact on nearby surrounding wells.
  • Formal presentations on several of groundwater projects to various public agencies such as City Councils, County Commissioners and Boards of Supervisors, and Planning Commissions.
  • Conduct detailed pumping tests of new RCS-designed wells or existing wells, and preparing hydrogeologic reports to document test results for environmental compliance and/for Conditional Use Permits for new wineries or vineyards.

Much of the work involved evaluating the groundwater resource potential within fractured and faulted volcanic rock and shallow alluvial groundwater basins. Through these studies, RCS has obtained invaluable experience and knowledge of groundwater flow and quality within irregularly patterned, fractured-rock aquifer systems.

Drilling amongst the vines in Napa
Vineyard Well