President & Principal Groundwater Geologist


Major fields of hydrogeologic emphasis for Mr. Slade include groundwater resource development (basin-wide studies, and water well design and construction), and aquifer analysis. Principal projects have involved, evaluations of entire groundwater basins, aquifer test analyses, assessment of water quality problems and groundwater degradation, design of water wells for municipal supply, well rehabilitation assessments, monitoring of all phases of water well construction, locating and designing groundwater monitoring networks, and providing expert witness testimony for groundwater litigation. Considerable work has also been performed for numerous vineyards and wineries in both the Central Coast and Northern California regions; types of work have included feasibility studies for determining final locations for new wells, designing new wells, monitoring of the construction of new wells, working with drilling contractors, evaluating down-hole problems (such as sanding) in existing wells, and developing protocol for water well rehabilitation.
Hydrogeologic studies have also involved evaluation of hazardous wastes such as acid mine drainage, leachate from sanitary landfills, and groundwater degradation resulting from leaking underground storage tanks containing various chemicals and organic compounds. Numerous groundwater studies and monitoring projects have involved volatile organics (TCE, PCE, etc.) and subsurface gasoline spills. Hydrogeologic assessments and definition of appropriate mitigation measures for environmental impact analyses have been provided also. Important to Mr. Slade's broad background is the experience gained while being a participant with other geologists on international geologic study tours to Europe, Iceland and Scandinavia, the former Soviet Union, South America, the People's Republic of China, Africa, New Zealand and Australia. Local groundwater and surface water features, large faults and landslides, mines, and oilfields were visited in these countries.
In December 2008, based on the recommendation of the Administrative Committee (the water managers for the cities of Burbank, Glendale, Los Angeles and San Fernando, and the Crescenta Valley Water District), the Superior Court of Los Angeles County selected Mr. Slade as the new Watermaster for the entire Upper Los Angeles River Area (ULARA). Mr. Slade represents only the third Watermaster of ULARA since the date of the original adjudication of the region in January 1979.


Consulting Groundwater Geologists
1983 - PRESENT

Independent consulting practice established in 1983 to provide technical, professional, and direct personal services to the groundwater industry. Hydrogeologic projects have included groundwater resource development; locating and designing water wells; assessing potential degradation resulting from hazardous waste sites and sanitary landfills; conducting water level and water quality monitoring from monitoring networks; defining aquifer characteristics from long-term aquifer tests in active wells; observation and monitoring of water well construction; providing expert witness testimony for a variety of groundwater cases; and providing hydrogeologic elements and mitigation measures for environmental assessments.

Consulting Groundwater Geologists
1970 - 1983

Joined the firm in 1970 as an engineering geologist and hydrogeologist. Advanced to Associate in 1975. Participated in and supervised geotechnical and hydrogeologic projects of various complexities, from the feasibility level through final design. His investigation and reports have analyzed faults and seismicity, earth materials, and groundwater problems for such facilities as dams, reservoirs, treatment plants, tunnels, industrial and residential buildings, sanitary landfills and groundwater basins. Major experience has involved field mapping, logging of bore holes, monitoring of groundwater observation holes, data analyses, and report writing.

Since 1972, Mr. Slade was the responsible hydrogeologist for several major groundwater basin projects including locating and designing of new wells and well redevelopments, calculations of groundwater in storage, determination of aquifer parameters, and evaluation of dewatering criteria. Several studies utilized emplacement of deep exploratory drill holes, analyses of geologic and geophysical data, and monitoring and analyses of groundwater levels, quality and pollution, and assessment of leachate and gases at existing landfills.
In addition, he conducted and supervised groundwater pollution studies and evaluation of several active and proposed sanitary landfill sites; he has supervised geologic and hydrogeologic studies for the evaluation and abatement of acid mine drainage from a large, inactive sulfur mine; and he has participated in assessing groundwater, geologic, and geotechnical parameters which affect sewer infiltration and inflow.

Consulting Groundwater Geologists

Performed hydrologic and hydrogeologic studies along pipeline and tunnel routes for State Water Project, conducted field mapping and exploration along tunnel routes, conducted and supervised aquifer tests for calculations of dewatering parameters for tunnel routes and dam sites. Served as Resident Geologist in charge of tunnel mapping and tunnel conditions for the Newhall and Castaic tunnels, excavated by tunnel boring machines.


Pipkin, B. P., Gisler, P. M., and Slade, R. C., 1969, "Electrical Conductance of Soils Under Stress": paper pre-sented as Association of Engineering Geologists, Twelfth Annual National Meeting, San Francisco.

Misen, R. T., and Slade, R. C., 1973, "Hydrogeology Investi�gation, Carpinteria Ground Water Basin, California": paper presented at Association of Engineering Geologists, Six�teenth Annual National Meeting, Los Angeles.

Slade, R. C., 1975, "Hydrogeological Investigation of Carpinteria Ground Water Basin, Santa Barbara County, Cali�fornia": unpublished M.S. Thesis, Engineering Geology, Uni�versity of Southern California.

Slade, R. C., 1975, "Utilization of Subsurface Oil Industry Data in Ground Water Basin Studies--Three Southern Califor�nia Case Histories": paper presented at National Water Well Association, Technical Division, Annual Meeting, paper pre�sented at New Orleans.

Hill, R. L., Sprotte, E., Bennett, J., and Slade, R., Febru�ary 1979, "Fault Location and Fault Activity Assessment by Analysis of Historic Level Line Data, Oil Well Data, and Ground Water Data, Hollywood Area, California": abstract published in Tectonophysics, Vol. 52, No. 1-4, Special Is�sue; paper presented at 1977 International Symposium on Re�cent Crustal Movements, Stanford University.

Hill, R. L., Sprotte, E. C., Chapman, R. H., Chase, G. W., Bennett, J. H., Real, C. R., Slade, R. C., Borchardt, G., and Weber, F. H., Jr. 1979, Earthquake hazards associated with faults in the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area, Los Angeles County, California, including faults in the Santa Monica-Raymond, Verdugo-Eagle Rock, and Benedict Canyon fault zones: California Division of Mines and Geol�ogy Open-File Report 79-16 L.A.

Panelist and Participant, February 1980 and April 1980, Sem�inar on the Application of Innovative Approaches to Infil�tration/Inflow (I/I) Studies: Seminar sponsored by Camp Dresser McKee, Inc.; provided engineering geologic, hydrogeologic, and geotechnical parameters to I/I studies.

Gardner, D. A., and Slade, R. C., 1981, "Effect of Nitrogen Loading and Irrigation Rate on Amount of Nitrogen Leached to Ground Water, San Martin, South Santa Clara Valley, Califor�nia": paper presented at 24th Annual Meeting of the Associ�ation of Engineering Geologists, Portland, Oregon.

Slade, R. C., 1981, "Hydrogeologic Conditions in the Mission Creek Subbasin, Upper Coachella Valley, California": pre�sented in Guidebook No. 9, Annual Field Trip, Geology of the San Jacinto Mountains; published by South Coast Geological Society.

Slade, R. C., 1981, "Hydrogeology of Carpinteria Ground Wa�ter Basin, Santa Barbara County, California": paper submit�ted for publication in the Guidebook of the Southern Cali�fornia Section of the Association of Engineering Geologists, Annual Field Trip, Ventura-Santa Barbara Area, California.

Slade, R. C., 1982, �Basin-Wide Studies and Thorough Speci�fications Lead to a Good Well," The Johnson Drillers Jour�nal, pages 13-17, Third-Fourth Quarter 1982.

Runyon, K., Slade, R.C., Leitzell, C. R., and Fall, E. W., 1982, "Red Hill Disposal Site, A Case Study": paper pre�sented at Fifth Annual Madison Conference of Applied Re�search and Practice on Municipal Industrial Waste: Univer�sity of Wisconsin-Extension, September 1982.

Speaker and Panelist, March 1984, Groundwater and Wells Sym�posium: Seminar sponsored by Johnson Screens, Orange, Cali�fornia; provided details of groundwater monitoring, monitor�ing network design, and groundwater sampling.

Slade, R. C., 1984, "Hydrologic and Geologic Highlights--Past and Present, Northwestern South America": paper pre�sented at Fall Conference, American Water Works Association, October 1984, Reno, Nevada.

Whitten, M. G. and Slade, R. C., 1986, "Some Considerations in Groundwater Monitoring": paper presented at 82nd Annual Meeting, Cordilleran Section, The Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, Los Angeles, March 1986.

Guest Lecturer, March 1988. Toxic and Hazardous Materials Control and Management Certificated Program: University of California at Los Angeles Extension; Groundwater Monitoring, Protection and Cleanup.

Speaker, September 1988. Presented professional talk enti�tled "Groundwater Resource Development," Paper presented at the Arizona-California-Nevada Water and Pollution Control Association Tri-State Seminar; Laughlin, Nevada.

Slade, R. C., April 1991, "Perspectives on Groundwater Contamination": paper presented at 63rd Annual Conference of California Water Pollution Control Association, Pasadena, California.
Smith, L., Slade, R. C., and Childress, A., May 1993, "Paleochannel Features and Their Possible Influence on Contaminant Migration in Groundwater": paper presented at the AAPG-Pacific Section Annual Conference, Long Beach, California.

Guest Lectures: January, April, and October, 1991, "Design, Sampling and Monitoring of Monitoring Wells," for University of California at Los Angeles Extension Class; Groundwater Monitoring, Protection and Cleanup.

Slade, Richard C. April 27, 1994, �Hydrogeology of the Carpinteria Groundwater Basin, Santa Barbara County, California: paper presented in Groundwater Geology of the Wine Country, Carpinteria and Santa Ynez Valley Region, Santa Barbara County, California. Coast Geologic Society, 1994 Field Trip Guidebook.

Slade, R. C., LaPensee, E. F., September 1995, "Local Groundwater Resources of the Napa Valley": paper presented at 1995 Groundwater Resources Association Annual Meeting, Napa, California.
Slade, Richard C., November 15, 1995, "Preparation of Technical Specifications for Water Well Construction:� lecture presented at AWWA Conference, California-Nevada Section�Water Well Technology Committee, Stockton, California.

Slade, Richard C., February 10, 1996. "Construction Specifications. . . Improving the Odds:" talk presented at California Groundwater Association Annual Seminar, Sacramento, California.

Slade, Richard C., April 12, 1996, "Hydrogeologic Considerations for Well Siting and Construction:" presentation at the Spring Conference, California-Nevada Section, AWWA, Redding, California.

Slade, Richard C., February 20, 1997, "Drilling Methods and Technical Specifications for Production Wells:" Paper presented at American Water Works Association Conference, CA-NV Section, Sacramento, California.

Slade, Richard C., April 25, 1997, "Importance of Hydrogeologic in Well Feasibility and Well Design:" Groundwater and Surface Water Storage Seminar, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.

Slade, Richard C., and Sinacori, Michael J., October 9, 1998, �Hydrogeologic Homework, NOT LUCK:� talk presented at the AWWA California/Nevada Conference, Reno, Nevada.

Slade, Richard C., and LaPensee, Earl F., October 19, 2000, �How Local Hydrogeologic Conditions Influence Well Design Options.� Paper presented for the AWWA California/Nevada Conference titled �Optimizing Use of Ground Water Resources, Focus on Water Supply Wells and Well Design,� Lakewood, California.

Slade, Richard C., March 8, 2001, �Groundwater Management Strategies for Vineyards and Wineries,� fourth annual Central Coast Viticulture and Encology Issues Conference, Santa Maria, California.

Slade, Richard C., April 21, 2006, �Key Hydrogeologic Issues With Water Wells at Vineyards and Wineries�: Paper presented at Water Wells and Irrigation Systems Seminars; Paso Robles, California.

Will, Robert A.; Yeh, Michelle; Eckhart, Lance; Slade, Richard C.; and Williamson, Mark S., December 5, 2007: "Numerical Modeling of a Complex Regional Aquifer Recharde and REcovery System (R3) in the Upper Mojave River Basin, California": Paper presented at 2007 NGWA Groundwater Expo and Annual Meeting.

Slade, Richard C., February 21 & 22, 2008, �So, You Want To Get and Keep A Successful and Efficient Water Well�: Verbal presentation at Central Coast Viticulture and Enology Conference in San Luis Obispo, California, for California State University at Fresno.

Slade, Richard C., April 22, 2009, �Groundwater Conditions in the Napa Valley.� Presentation at the Workshop of the Napa Valley Grapegrowers in Napa, California.

Slade, Richard C., November 5, 2009, �How to Locate, Drill and Construct a Successful Water Well.� Presentation at the Napa Valley Wine and Grape Expo in Yountville, California.

Slade, Richard C., March 13, 2012, �Key Issues for Vineyard Supply Water Wells.� Presentation to The Napa Sustainable Winegrowing Group in Napa Valley, California.

Slade, Richard C., August 14, 2012, "Watermastering the ULARA Groundwater Basins." Presentation to the Southern California Section of Association of Engineering Geologists.


October, November 1974. One of 34 delegates in the National Water Well Association Goodwill People-to-People Working Travel Program to Europe and the Soviet Union. Trip in�cluded England, Holland, Switzerland, Germany, and the Soviet Union.

June, July 1982. One of 18 geological participants in the "Geology of the Andes" Summer Study Tour to Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and the Galapagos Islands.

June, July 1984. One of 24 geological participants in the "Geology of The People's Republic of China" Summer Study Tour. Trip also included Hong Kong, Japan, and Korea.

July 1985. One of 20 geological participants in the "Geology of Iceland and Norway" Summer Study Tour.

December 1986. One of several geological participants in a geologic field study tour of New Zealand and Australia.

July, 1988. One of 22 geologic participants in a geo�logic field study tour of the East African Rift Zone in Kenya and Tanzania.

Other viticultural, vineyard and winery areas visited have included: eastern France; southeastern France; south-central France; the Chianti and Tuscany areas of Italy; portions of Chile and Argentina including the highest vineyards on earth in the Andes of Chile (Colchagua Valley, Donald Hess property); and the Stellenbosch-Franschhoek (Winelands) area of South Africa.

University of California
Los Angeles
B.A., Geology

University of Southern California
M.S., Engineering Geology

Professional Geologist, State of California
Certified Engineering Geologist, State of California
Registered Geologist, State of Arizona
Registered Geologist, State of Idaho
Professional Hydrogeologist, American Institute of Hydrology (Charter Member)